• Ruby & Rails

    I am constantly writing ruby code related to Rails Apps and independent from it. Thinking about the code structure and bringing OOD to good use is one of the things I enjoy. I am familiar with:
    • Writing well tested object oriented ruby code
    • Creating Rails APIs to serve JSON to the frontend world
    • Creating traditional Rails apps using Devise, Carrierwave, CanCanCan, ...
    Tools & Gems

    These gems are used by me on regular basis:

    • devise
    • cancancan
    • carrierwave
    • active_model_serializers

    These gems are part of my test suite:

    • RSpec & Shoulda
    • factory_girl
    • Capybara

  • JS

    Javascript is my second most commonly used language (probably the 7th I learnd). I am familiar with:
    • Writing JS code both ES2015 and old school
    • Creating Ember apps with a component based design strategy
    • Building SPA with Vue.js

    These frameworks are used by me on regular basis:

    • Ember & Ember-Data
    • Vue
    • JQuery
    • Angular

  • HTML, CSS & Sass

    As I am advancing from the backend code to the front-end I learnd a lot of front-end techs & design.
    • Using HTML5 and CSS3
    • Practicing design pattern

    These frameworks and tools are used by me on regular basis:

    • Bourbon
    • Jekyll
    • Bootstrap