About me: Developer, Mathematician, Father & Husband

Hi I am Ricci and this is my github-page. I am 28 years old and live in the Northeast of Germany. Programming is a passion of mine since I went to school. It started with a simple WYSIWYG-IDE and some Delphi code. The possibilities fascinated me.

After school I followed another passion of mine and started studying mathematics. It was wonderful opportunity to connect with many like minded people. On advantage of studying at the university of Hannover was that the students have been encouraged to take courses in related fields.

Following this tradition I visited lectures in Physics and Computer Science. In the end I got certified in nearly every lecture needed for an B.Sc. in Physics. I also had a great time in the CS classes. I learned C, C++ and Java. C++ was used in applied mathematics classes to code numerical algorithms (Newton-iteration, CG-Solver, …). And Java was the base for teaching data structures and algorithms (hashes, balanced trees, …).

After graduating I started a career as a teacher. As I love learning new things, it seemed to be an obvious fit. So I started training to become an educator. In parallel I looked into a new path of my programming hobby: web development. Finishing my qualification as a teacher, I began realizing, that teaching in school wasn’t my way. Development as my long time hobby seemed to be worth a try. Since then I used Codeschool, Books, and many Youtube videos (tutorials, conference, talks) to educate my self.

Being a graduated mathematician helped along the way as CS and mathematics share the same tendency to abstract (ulitmatly precisely named) concepts (Prototypical Inheritance, Polymorphism, CORS, …).

When I am not teaching or coding, my wife and I enjoy being outside with our wonderful daughter.